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夢寐以求想做臉,想清粉刺的女孩們,終於在德國Wiesbaden可以完成這個願望了!- Girls who dream of professional facials and have a beautyful skin can finally fulfill their wish in Wiesbaden - consult Flora's Beauty Studio
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NEW-Special - For registered clients only - upon Consultation in the Studio up to 25% Discount on Products sales (not on services)
Nur fuer registrierte Kunden - mit Beratung im Studio bis zu 25% Nachlass nur auf Produkt Verkauf (nicht auf Services)


SkinCeuticals洗面奶及爽膚水含有多種主要成分, 包括果酸復合物,天然草本精華,不但能去除雜質污垢,多餘的油脂,更能軟化角質層,平衡皮膚pH值,具補濕的功效, 讓肌膚回復清新潔淨的感覺。


SkinCeuticals cleansers and toners include a variety of active ingredients such as hydroxy acids, botanical extracts, and cleansing agents to lift impurities and oils, gently exfoliate dead skin cells, and balance pH levels. Our cleansing and toning products leave the skin feeling fresh and clean without increased dryness or oiliness.


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